PM Medivisor

PM Medivisor is a software product that continually collects and analyzes the operational status of medical displays installed in hospitals for system administrators. The introdcution of PM Medivisor can result in significant labor savings enhancements.

Centralized control of display information

PM Medivisor enables the system manager to manage a wide range of information such as calibration history and general information of each display including operating hours

Remote grayscale check and remote calibration functions

Conformance testing to DICOM GSDF and calibration can be remotely accomplished. These features minimize the burden on display administrators.

Display operational status monitoring

The system administrator will be notified of various information including changes in luminance, configuration change such as changes of resolution, the addition or deletion of displays and workstations.

Other functions
  • E-mail auto-delivery of alert information and other notifications
  • Report generation in PDF format
Performance Monitoring Software PM Medivisor
  • Supported display models : All ME/CCL Series models except ME183L and CCL192 plus
  • Supported Operating Systems : Windows XP/2000