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Sample wordings only! in 2004 is a worldwide company with the objective of designing, developing, and manufacturing complete all weather proof outdoor/s emi outdoor high brightness, sunlight readable, full HD LCD with sealed IP65/NEMA4 enclosures. We have references all around the globe with almost hundreds of screens installed in harsh coldest and hottest outdoor environment from Las Vegas, USA to Montreal/Quebec, Canada. Our outdoor screens providing the real world proofing of reliability for many years to come.

Sort by KVM Solutions

Item Part no. Resolution Brightness Backlight Touch Others
iNAP-1700 1280 x 1024 250nits CCFL Capacitive, Resistive
Data Sheet
Mounting Kit
iNAP-1700 1280 x 1024 250nits CCFL Capacitive, Resistive
Data Sheet
Mounting Kit
iNAP-1700 1280 x 1024 250nits CCFL Capacitive, Resistive
Data Sheet
Mounting Kit

Sort by Rack LCD Features

Sed non urna. Donec et ante. Phasellus eu ligula. Vestibulum sit amet purus. Vivamus hendrerit, dolor at aliquet laoreet, mauris turpis porttitor velit, faucibus interdum tellus libero ac justo. Vivamus non quam. In suscipit faucibus urna.

15" Rackmount LCD Monitor

Nam enim risus, molestie et, porta ac, aliquam ac, risus. Quisque lobortis. Phasellus pellentesque purus in massa. Aenean in pede. Phasellus ac libero ac tellus pellentesque semper. Sed ac felis. Sed commodo, magna quis lacinia ornare, quam ante aliquam nisi, eu iaculis leo purus venenatis dui.

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17" Rackmount LCD Monitor

Cras dictum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean lacinia mauris vel est.

Suspendisse eu nisl. Nullam ut libero. Integer dignissim consequat lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.